Sunday, August 23, 2009

Longevity and Curiosity

Message from Beth Cole and her report on Longevity and Curiosity

A group of Centenarians recently had a gathering in Tucson , Arizona . More than 40 people between the ages of 100 and 104 met to discuss their lives. Also on hand were physicians, psychologists, social workers and those who work with the aging. In addition to having quite a good time, they discussed longevity. While many of the seniors and the professionals thought that connection to other individuals may have been the most important contributory factor to the well being of these individuals, several who had been single for most or all of their lives proved that that might not be as singularly important as it was initially thought. What became profoundly apparent in each and every one of those who reached beyond the 100 year mark was that each was found to be curious.

I hope you will find this as interesting as I did. Do you wonder? Are you curious? If not, how can wonderment and curiosity be increased?

These individuals were born between 1905 and 1909 – can we even imagine how much the world has changed during their lifetimes? Asked if they thought they would see so many changes, most answered that they hadn’t expected to live any where near as long as they did. They mentioned that they rarely spent much time thinking about their pasts because they lived very much in the moment. (How is that for good advice?)

I keep going back in my mind to the fact that the professionals found them all curious. Traditionally we think of children as curious. It’s clear that a certain population of adults is also higher on the curiosity scale than most.

And, isn’t it wonderful that we can all become “curiouser” and “curiouser.” It’s not only so that we can maybe live longer but I’ll bet our lives would be better if we were. Let’s go for it!

Beth S. Cole
520-572-4986 (P)
240-687-1717 (C)
12740 No. Owl Head Canyon Road
Marana, AZ 85658

"In The Moment" and You

Greetings to all,

I just came home from having dinner with friends. Each had experienced a hectic day in their own way...One was working in the bank, one was working with emergency care patients in the hospital, one was packing all day in preparation for selling her home. There I was just enjoying the laughter and stories from my three friends. One would never have known that they all had had such a stressful day. As we chatted away I do not think any of us realized that the restaurant was so busy nor how many times the waiter came to refill our ice tea glasses. We were so engaged in each others stories...some I think received a bit of the creative touch to see how far fetched they could go with their stories. I must say it was a lively and peaceful time after a hectic and involved day.

With friends and "In The Moment" Experiences, "Present Time" brings such meaning to life. The future nor the past does not invade such present moments as being with friends and enjoying each other unconditionally. This experience is just one of many that happens throughout the day. Just think about it. We have some moments that a fleeting ...just a quick siting from the window on viewing a bit of nature unfold before us. In my case watching the hummingbirds at the feeder. Amazes me over and over again how their little wings can move so quickly as they move in so many different directions.

How about you? I would love to hear about your "In The Moment" Experiences. I, also, invite you to join me and belong to "In The Moment" Club. The membership cost is only to experience being "In The Moment" and sharing it with others.

Please share your stories with us about how and what special experiences you have had "In The Moment." Do sign up for our newsletter today. Would love to have you join our club.

Best with your new "In The Moment" Experiences!

Until the next time, I am so greatful for you visiting our blog.

Adele Arnesen

Thursday, August 20, 2009

We are excited about our "InTheMoment" Club and Newsletter. It is so easy to join. Just fill in the form that will appear before you leave Resilient Life Blog. A message will be sent to your email for you to confirm your invitation immediately. Just confirm and you will receive a special Welcome Message.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twitter and Share...

Your Twit Profile can monetize both your twitter and support those who want to share their entrepreneurship as well. Just visit TwitAd above and learn more. Enjoy in Monetizing and Giving Back.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July Coaches Notes from Beth Cole

When life gets a little too crazy…

We can resist or we can go along for the ride. Many of us go with the former. The incident that happened is likely not part of our plan and so we grit our teeth, tighten our muscles and plan warfare – none of these options are good for us and what’s more – it doesn’t help to fight against a force bigger than us. Aikido has a great technique for warding off an attacker – you join in the attacker’s motion from which you gain your own power and then you can take care of yourself.

The point is to use energy wisely. Accept what has happened the best that we can for the moment, then go along with the situation until finally our creativity and strength return and we can prepare for a new day.

Humor helps!

Sanity will return or a new definition of what makes sense will make us wonder why we fought the episode that started the whole thing.

While I wish you no craziness in your own life, I know it’s going to happen and I hope you can relax your way through it. For most of us, this is something we learn over and over. Just another experience – no big deal (after the time passes, huh?)

Beth S. Cole

Thursday, July 2, 2009

C. A. S. Makin is truly a special writer...Met on Twitter and now want to share one of her wonderful writings with you, "Three Gifts." Mrs. Makin certainly has a gift of writing and also a love of the horse and of course her special family who reside on Fairwind Farms. I am so thrilled to share this special poem with you and to say that Resilient Life Blogs will feature more writings to come.
Please enjoy Three Gifts...and also visit her own side

Three Gifts

copyright June 2009

Three gifts I was given
pen in hand
Writing and Riding is who I am

Who would have known
only One always knew
that my true path
would always come through

Believe in yourself and conquer
dreams showing light and wonder
Knowing before it happens
Feeling the thought
God comes through
all that we do
Writing and Riding
bring out what is true

The third gift one very special
was given to me to use carefully

Messages come in loud and clear
letting me know what will be
Doesn't matter what it is
The universe opens up and the answers appear

Tune in to how it feels
as the thoughts come and go
Time doesn't exist
as you well know

This other place that seems to be
between two worlds so apart but so near
Always present if you have the ear
to listen intently and learn
that the universe is there
to meet all that you yearn

It can happen anywhere
eating lunch or shopping
When a thought pops in
and you suddenly know
what's around the corner
for you or a friend in tow

Over the years it settled in me
that horse and pen will always be
the best way to connect
with what has always been around me
Some say they're angels
Some say they're family
I say thank God for these gifts
that I may always see
at any age in any place
what is most important to me
always dear is my family

One horse very special
an old soul is he
helping me along
on this most interesting journey

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Coaches' Notes 
from Adele, Editor and Life Coach of The Resilient Life Blog

Welcome to the days that bring summer to our patios!  It is a time of barbecues, visits to the beach, trips to the mountains and of course, swimming.  Well, that is at least in part what we all enjoy when the summer comes into our life.   I know when I took trips to the New Jersey Shore with my parents and our pets it was a time to sit back and read some favorite books I knew I now had time for as well as spend some quality time with friends that I only saw during the summer.  So, may I wish each one of you a special summer filled with memorable moments.  

Besides reading a good book or two, have you ever wished to take the time to get in touch with friends and family and just could not find the time.  Summer is a great time for this.  There are all sorts of stationary available I even saw some neat stationary at the local dollar store.  This should support your letter writing campaign.  So, when you are at the beach or in your back yard take along some writing tools and jot a note or two.  I know you will be making someone very happy when they have a chance to open up the envelope and find a note from you.  Think of the seniors who might be alone and not able to take trips any more.  What a great time to share a story or two on what you are doing.  You might even send them a picture so they will have something to share with their friends.
Remember quality communications and friendships are important parts of having balance in our lives.  

I know you might think of some other ways of communicating with others.  Let me know what you are going to do this summer which might be even a bit more creative.   Would love to hear from you.

As our coaching business is called Resilience Living, part of creating a resilient life, is to develop roots of friendship where we can share moments and help each other through times that might be a bit of a challenge.  Keeping in touch builds those bridges to let others know you are there to lend a hand as well as when you might need a helping hand yourself.  

I know I feel the best when I can give support to others.  It always feels like I have received so much more when I see the smiles and kind gestures from others.  I call these "Kind Expressions."  Try to do something for someone everyday.  It has become a habit with me.  It might just be a quick call to tell someone I was thinking of them.  It might be a gesture to extend a helping hand if I know I have to take a trip to the store and maybe pick up something for someone I know is very busy with a project.  Remember, it only takes a minute or two to at least offer support or an hello.

So...May I extend to you many exciting June days ahead and memorable moments.    

Remember to Celebrate the moments of each day!  Please visit our calendar of events on this blog as well as Highlights on Special People.  There is so much going on around Amelia Island, I wish you all were here to join us.

Please revisit our blog on occasion.  We will be posting more exciting notes about other projects we are working on.  Until later, I send wishes to you on behalf of Resilience Living and Resilient Life Coaching Network.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Coaches Notes...

Welcome to Beth Cole!

Resilience Living features Beth Cole, The Aging Coach.

Beth is truly one that practices what she shares with others.  She is disciplined in making sure she stays agile, vibrant and enthusiastic about life.  Visit her website and learn more about Beth.  

Today, Beth sends us this message...

The questions we ask…


I saw a darling little girl in the store the other day.  She was maybe 3 or 4.  She was racing along beside her mother, who was actually in quite a hurry.  The little one could not contain her curiosity about a LOT of observations – so she asked questions!  She asked lots and lots of questions – one tumbled out over another.  It was obvious Mom wished for a little quiet but nothing (nothing!!!) was likely going to stop the stream of “what’s”, “who’s”, “why’s”,  and “how’s.” 


I would guess that most of us were once pretty much like this bright-eyed, enthusiastic child.  It made me think about the importance of inquiry.  As a coach, I tend to ask a lot of questions because I am very sure that I don’t know the answers for someone else and thus my clients often reveal the obvious solution the more we investigate the subject. 


I ask questions when I am trying to move myself through a sticky situation.


One of my favorite questions is: “How can I have more fun right now?”   Just saying that will move me to a different place.  It often helps me find my power when I’ve lost it over some issue.


Do play with this little technology some time.  Maybe you can create a question that will help you find more strength or energy just when you need it – but in any case, the ask is guaranteed to help you channel your inner three year-old and that’s not bad…


Are you game?


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Women on the Move...

This section Highlights Women who are entrepreneurs and making a difference in their lives and loving it.  The Entrepreneur exemplifies hard work with passion!  It is a 24/7 business however, these women prove to be truly "Resilient."  They handle the challenges of the day and keep on growing in their own niche.  Twitter has proven to be a "god send" to help these dedicated women to become socially connected with the community and now the world.  It is providing them the opportunity to share what they love doing; moreover, supporting one another.  This list, below, will continue to grow as I meet new entrepreneurs.  I am starting with the women who have become friends and I admire...truly wonderful women.  So please come back again and again to see what these women are accomplishing.
 Hope you will support their passion by learning about them and maybe you will be able to utilize their services or products.  

Debbie Manser 
Debbie is dedicated to taking care of everyone who enters the gates at Cheers Ranch.  She has been supporting people's dreams of having that special horse back ride on the beach and helping children with the love of the horse at her summer camp.  
Visit her  websites above and learn more about Debbie's Passions.
More to come...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

June - Drop Your Reins Clinics

Cheers Horse Ranch
Danielle Herb, Natural Horsemanship Specialist

Danielle returns to Cheers Horse Ranch to work with Autistic children and children who have ADD and ADHD.  May proved to be unforgettable.  Mark you calendar and come out to see how this young lady makes a difference in each child's life.
June 26-27, 2009....Cheers Horse Ranch

Drop Your Reins gives your child a transformational, unforgettable experience
Visit and watch video to learn more.

Register: Reservations ...904-277-7047
Location: 96841 Blackrock Rd. Yulee, Fl

If you are coming from a distance contact me for places to stay.
352-250-6170 or  and visit Danielle Herbs Website

Special Human Interest Links and Stories

A Story of an Exciting Artist in Fernandina

Danielle Herb, our special 15 year old horse specialist,  is connected to this artist in a very special way.  Please read the story about this artist and as you scroll down you will learn how Danielle Herb and Wyanne have this special connection.

Welcome to The Resilient Life Blog

It is with extreme excitement to now have a blog.
 The Resilient Life Blog is a part of Resilience Living...A Person to Person Support Resource Coaching Business and Network. The Services provide tools so you can live your passion and live life fully.

Life is exciting!  

This is not a dress rehearsal as you might have heard people say many times.  Start today! Pledge you will begin looking at life from a new slant if life has been filled with negative stuff.  I am sure you know that if you empower the negative stuff in your life will come up again and again.  The positive will hold a backseat to this stuff if you let it.  Push Mr. Negative stuff in the back seat.  Let him waddle in his own stuff and you carry on with a new front seat passenger, Mr. Positive.  Let him be the guide to your seeing a bright light on the good things around you.  It sounds easy,however, this is a process.  

Change is your choice to take.  Take the leap of faith and let's make the choice to have Mr. Positive in our life.  

This blog will impart make suggestions to think about.  For success we need to be a "resilient thinker" and go for the gold.  As we go along this road of choice, we want to hear from you, too.  Let us know how the notes in this blog are helping you.

You will see a schedule of events, both virtual and live, either via skype or at a special location near Amelia Island, Florida.  The first series will be starting soon..."Passion Challenge Retreats."

You can join us at the Passion Challenge Retreat here near Amelia Island or virtually.  See the tentative dates and times for these Retreats.  The cost is minimal to support everyone taking this leap of faith in taking the Passion Challenge.  

There are other retreats happening as well.  Don't miss the special retreats for children at Cheers Ranch near Amelia Island in Yulee, Florida as well, as courses we are already planning for the fall.  As you can see we are extremely busy in helping you live the "Resilient Life Style with Passion."

It is with my pleasure that you are reading this blog.  Please bookmark this blog as there will be many good things to share.  Remember, if you have an idea for a special type of workshop.  Let us know.  

So, keep us in the loop and may I personally wish you the best in taking the steps to be a Resilient Thinker and Living the Resilient Life Style.

Adele Arnesen, Life Coach
Founder of Resilience Living
Resilient Life Retreats and Seminars