Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July Coaches Notes from Beth Cole

When life gets a little too crazy…

We can resist or we can go along for the ride. Many of us go with the former. The incident that happened is likely not part of our plan and so we grit our teeth, tighten our muscles and plan warfare – none of these options are good for us and what’s more – it doesn’t help to fight against a force bigger than us. Aikido has a great technique for warding off an attacker – you join in the attacker’s motion from which you gain your own power and then you can take care of yourself.

The point is to use energy wisely. Accept what has happened the best that we can for the moment, then go along with the situation until finally our creativity and strength return and we can prepare for a new day.

Humor helps!

Sanity will return or a new definition of what makes sense will make us wonder why we fought the episode that started the whole thing.

While I wish you no craziness in your own life, I know it’s going to happen and I hope you can relax your way through it. For most of us, this is something we learn over and over. Just another experience – no big deal (after the time passes, huh?)

Beth S. Cole

Thursday, July 2, 2009

C. A. S. Makin is truly a special writer...Met on Twitter and now want to share one of her wonderful writings with you, "Three Gifts." Mrs. Makin certainly has a gift of writing and also a love of the horse and of course her special family who reside on Fairwind Farms. I am so thrilled to share this special poem with you and to say that Resilient Life Blogs will feature more writings to come.
Please enjoy Three Gifts...and also visit her own side http://www.mindspirit908.blogspot.com/

Three Gifts

copyright June 2009

Three gifts I was given
pen in hand
Writing and Riding is who I am

Who would have known
only One always knew
that my true path
would always come through

Believe in yourself and conquer
dreams showing light and wonder
Knowing before it happens
Feeling the thought
God comes through
all that we do
Writing and Riding
bring out what is true

The third gift one very special
was given to me to use carefully

Messages come in loud and clear
letting me know what will be
Doesn't matter what it is
The universe opens up and the answers appear

Tune in to how it feels
as the thoughts come and go
Time doesn't exist
as you well know

This other place that seems to be
between two worlds so apart but so near
Always present if you have the ear
to listen intently and learn
that the universe is there
to meet all that you yearn

It can happen anywhere
eating lunch or shopping
When a thought pops in
and you suddenly know
what's around the corner
for you or a friend in tow

Over the years it settled in me
that horse and pen will always be
the best way to connect
with what has always been around me
Some say they're angels
Some say they're family
I say thank God for these gifts
that I may always see
at any age in any place
what is most important to me
always dear is my family

One horse very special
an old soul is he
helping me along
on this most interesting journey