Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Coaches' Notes 
from Adele, Editor and Life Coach of The Resilient Life Blog

Welcome to the days that bring summer to our patios!  It is a time of barbecues, visits to the beach, trips to the mountains and of course, swimming.  Well, that is at least in part what we all enjoy when the summer comes into our life.   I know when I took trips to the New Jersey Shore with my parents and our pets it was a time to sit back and read some favorite books I knew I now had time for as well as spend some quality time with friends that I only saw during the summer.  So, may I wish each one of you a special summer filled with memorable moments.  

Besides reading a good book or two, have you ever wished to take the time to get in touch with friends and family and just could not find the time.  Summer is a great time for this.  There are all sorts of stationary available I even saw some neat stationary at the local dollar store.  This should support your letter writing campaign.  So, when you are at the beach or in your back yard take along some writing tools and jot a note or two.  I know you will be making someone very happy when they have a chance to open up the envelope and find a note from you.  Think of the seniors who might be alone and not able to take trips any more.  What a great time to share a story or two on what you are doing.  You might even send them a picture so they will have something to share with their friends.
Remember quality communications and friendships are important parts of having balance in our lives.  

I know you might think of some other ways of communicating with others.  Let me know what you are going to do this summer which might be even a bit more creative.   Would love to hear from you.

As our coaching business is called Resilience Living, part of creating a resilient life, is to develop roots of friendship where we can share moments and help each other through times that might be a bit of a challenge.  Keeping in touch builds those bridges to let others know you are there to lend a hand as well as when you might need a helping hand yourself.  

I know I feel the best when I can give support to others.  It always feels like I have received so much more when I see the smiles and kind gestures from others.  I call these "Kind Expressions."  Try to do something for someone everyday.  It has become a habit with me.  It might just be a quick call to tell someone I was thinking of them.  It might be a gesture to extend a helping hand if I know I have to take a trip to the store and maybe pick up something for someone I know is very busy with a project.  Remember, it only takes a minute or two to at least offer support or an hello.

So...May I extend to you many exciting June days ahead and memorable moments.    

Remember to Celebrate the moments of each day!  Please visit our calendar of events on this blog as well as Highlights on Special People.  There is so much going on around Amelia Island, I wish you all were here to join us.

Please revisit our blog on occasion.  We will be posting more exciting notes about other projects we are working on.  Until later, I send wishes to you on behalf of Resilience Living and Resilient Life Coaching Network.
